

Miscellaneous functions.

Miscellaneous functions.

Returns the display size in pixels.

Note: Use of this function is not recommended in the new code as it only works for the primary display. Use wxDisplay:getGeometry/1 to retrieve the size of the appropriate display instead.

Either of output pointers can be NULL if the caller is not interested in the corresponding value.

See: wxGetDisplaySize() (not implemented in wx), wxDisplay


Globally sets the cursor; only has an effect on Windows, Mac and GTK+.

You should call this function with wxNullCursor to restore the system cursor.

See: wxCursor, wxWindow:setCursor/2


For normal keys, returns true if the specified key is currently down.

For togglable keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock), returns true if the key is toggled such that its LED indicator is lit. There is currently no way to test whether togglable keys are up or down.

Even though there are virtual key codes defined for mouse buttons, they cannot be used with this function currently.

In wxGTK, this function can be only used with modifier keys (WXK_ALT, WXK_CONTROL and WXK_SHIFT) when not using X11 backend currently.

Returns the mouse position in screen coordinates.

Returns the current state of the mouse.

Returns a wx_wxMouseState() instance that contains the current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinates, as well as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons and the modifier keys.


Flag = boolean()

Don't synthesize KeyUp events holding down a key and producing KeyDown events with autorepeat.

On by default and always on in wxMSW.

Ring the system bell.

Note: This function is categorized as a GUI one and so is not thread-safe.


MenuString = ItemString = unicode:chardata()

Find a menu item identifier associated with the given frame's menu bar.


Pt = {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}

Find the deepest window at the given mouse position in screen coordinates, returning the window if found, or NULL if not.

This function takes child windows at the given position into account even if they are disabled. The hidden children are however skipped by it.


Option = {cursor, wxCursor:wxCursor()}

Changes the cursor to the given cursor for all windows in the application.

Use endBusyCursor/0 to revert the cursor back to its previous state. These two calls can be nested, and a counter ensures that only the outer calls take effect.

See: isBusy/0, wxBusyCursor (not implemented in wx)

Changes the cursor back to the original cursor, for all windows in the application.

Use with beginBusyCursor/1.

See: isBusy/0, wxBusyCursor (not implemented in wx)


Option = {flags, integer()}

This function shuts down or reboots the computer depending on the value of the flags.

Note: Note that performing the shutdown requires the corresponding access rights (superuser under Unix, SE_SHUTDOWN privilege under Windows) and that this function is only implemented under Unix and MSW.

Return: true on success, false if an error occurred.


Option = {command, unicode:chardata()}

Executes a command in an interactive shell window.

If no command is specified, then just the shell is spawned.

See: wxExecute() (not implemented in wx), Examples


Option = {flags, integer()}

Opens the url in user's default browser.

If the flags parameter contains wxBROWSER_NEW_WINDOW flag, a new window is opened for the URL (currently this is only supported under Windows).

And unless the flags parameter contains wxBROWSER_NOBUSYCURSOR flag, a busy cursor is shown while the browser is being launched (using wxBusyCursor (not implemented in wx)).

The parameter url is interpreted as follows:

Returns true if the application was successfully launched.

Note: For some configurations of the running user, the application which is launched to open the given URL may be URL-dependent (e.g. a browser may be used for local URLs while another one may be used for remote URLs).

See: wxLaunchDefaultApplication() (not implemented in wx), wxExecute() (not implemented in wx)

Copies the user's email address into the supplied buffer, by concatenating the values returned by wxGetFullHostName() (not implemented in wx) and getUserId/0.

Return: true if successful, false otherwise.

This function returns the "user id" also known as "login name" under Unix (i.e.

something like "jsmith"). It uniquely identifies the current user (on this system). Under Windows or NT, this function first looks in the environment variables USER and LOGNAME; if neither of these is found, the entry UserId in the wxWidgets section of the WIN.INI file is tried.

Return: The login name if successful or an empty string otherwise.

See: wxGetUserName() (not implemented in wx)

Return the (current) user's home directory.

See: wxGetUserHome() (not implemented in wx), wxStandardPaths (not implemented in wx)

Deprecated: Ids generated by it can conflict with the Ids defined by the user code, use wxID_ANY to assign ids which are guaranteed to not conflict with the user-defined ids for the controls and menu items you create instead of using this function.

Generates an integer identifier unique to this run of the program.


Id = integer()

Ensures that Ids subsequently generated by newId/0 do not clash with the given id.

Returns the current id.

Returns the string containing the description of the current platform in a user-readable form.

For example, this function may return strings like "Windows 10 (build 10240), 64-bit edition" or "Linux 4.1.4 i386".

See: wxGetOsVersion() (not implemented in wx)

Returns true if the current platform is little endian (instead of big endian).

The check is performed at run-time.

Returns true if the operating system the program is running under is 64 bit.

The check is performed at run-time and may differ from the value available at compile-time (at compile-time you can just check if sizeof(void*) == 8) since the program could be running in emulation mode or in a mixed 32/64 bit system (bi-architecture operating system).

Note: This function is not 100% reliable on some systems given the fact that there isn't always a standard way to do a reliable check on the OS architecture.