A few notes on message passing

March 19, 2021 · by John Högberg

Message passing has always been central to Erlang, and while reasonably well-documented we’ve avoided going into too much detail to give us more freedom when implementing it. There’s nothing preventing us from describing it in a blog post though, so let’s have a closer look!

Erlang processes communicate with each other by sending each other signals (not to be confused with Unix signals). There are many different kinds and messages are just the most common. Practically everything involving more than one process uses signals internally: for example, the link/1 function is implemented by having the involved processes talk back and forth until they’ve agreed on a link.

This helps us avoid a great deal of locks and would make an interesting blog post on its own, but for now we only need to keep two things in mind: all signals (including messages) are continuously received and handled behind the scenes, and they have a defined order:

Signals between two processes are guaranteed to arrive in the order they were sent. In other words, if process A sends signal 1 and then 2 to process B, signal 1 is guaranteed to arrive before signal 2.

Why is this important? Consider the request-response idiom:

%% Send a monitor signal to `Pid`, requesting a 'DOWN' message
%% when `Pid` dies.
Mref = monitor(process, Pid),
%% Send a message signal to `Pid` with our `Request`
Pid ! {self(), Mref, Request},
    {Mref, Response} ->
        %% Send a demonitor signal to `Pid`, and remove the
        %% corresponding 'DOWN' message that might have
        %% arrived in the meantime.
        erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
        {ok, Response};
    {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
        {error, Reason}

Since dead processes cannot send messages we know that the response must come before any eventual 'DOWN' message, but without a guaranteed order the 'DOWN' message could arrive before the response and we’d have no idea whether a response was coming or not, which would be very annoying to deal with.

Having a defined order saves us quite a bit of hassle and doesn’t come at much of a cost, but the guarantees stop there. If more than one process sends signals to a common process, they can arrive in any order even when you “know” that one of the signals was sent first. For example, this sequence of events is legal and entirely possible:

  1. A sends signal 1 to B
  2. A sends signal 2 to C
  3. C, in response to signal 2, sends signal 3 to B
  4. B receives signal 3
  5. B receives signal 1

Luckily, global orders are rarely needed and are easy to impose yourself (outside distributed cases): just let all involved parties synchronize with a common process.

Sending messages #

Sending a message is straightforward: we try to find the process associated with the process identifier, and if one exists we insert the message into its signal queue.

Messages are always copied before being inserted into the queue. As wasteful as this may sound it greatly reduces garbage collection (GC) latency as the GC never has to look beyond a single process. Non-copying implementations have been tried in the past, but they turned out to be a bad fit as low latency is more important than sheer throughput for the kind of soft-realtime systems that Erlang is designed to build.

By default, messages are copied directly into the receiving process’ heap but when this isn’t possible (or desired – see the message_queue_data flag) we allocate the message outside of the heap instead.

Memory allocation makes such “off-heap” messages slightly more expensive but they’re very neat for processes that receive a ton of messages. We don’t need to interact with the receiver when copying the message – only when adding it to the queue – and since the only way a process can see a message is by matching them in a receive expression, the GC doesn’t need to consider unmatched messages which further reduces latency.

Sending messages to processes on other Erlang nodes works in the same way, albeit there’s now a risk of messages being lost in transit. Messages are guaranteed to be delivered as long as the distribution link between the nodes is active, but it gets tricky when the link goes down.

Using monitor/2 on the remote process (or node) will tell you when this happens, acting as if the process died (with reason noconnection), but that doesn’t always help: the link could have died after the message was received and handled on the other end, all we know is that the link went down before we got any eventual response.

As with everything else there’s no free lunch, and you need to decide how your applications should handle these scenarios.

Receiving messages #

One might guess that processes receive messages through receive expressions, but receive is a bit of a misnomer. As with all other signals the process continuously handles them in the background, moving received messages from the signal queue to the message queue.

receive searches for matching messages in the message queue (in the order they arrived), or waits for new messages if none were found. Searching through the message queue rather than the signal queue means it doesn’t have to worry about processes that send messages, which greatly increases performance.

This ability to “selectively receive” specific messages is very convenient: we’re not always in a context where we can decide what to do with a message and having to manually lug around all unhandled messages is certainly annoying.

Unfortunately, sweeping the search under the rug doesn’t make it go away:

    {reply, Result} ->
        {ok, Result}

The above expression finishes instantly if the next message in the queue matches {reply, Result}, but if there’s no matching message it has to walk through them all before giving up. This is expensive when there are a lot of messages queued up which is common for server-like processes, and since receive expressions can match on just about anything there’s little that can be done to optimize the search itself.

The only optimization we do at the moment is to mark a starting point for the search when we know that a message couldn’t exist prior to a certain point. Let’s revisit the request-response idiom:

Mref = monitor(process, Pid),
Pid ! {self(), Mref, Request},
    {Mref, Response} ->
        erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
        {ok, Response};
    {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
        {error, Reason}

Since the reference created by monitor/2 is globally unique and cannot exist before said call, and the receive only matches messages that contain said reference, we don’t need to look at any of the messages received before then.

This makes the idiom efficient even on processes that have absurdly long message queues, but unfortunately it isn’t something we can do in the general case. While you as a programmer can be sure that a certain response must come after its request even without a reference, for example by using your own sequence numbers, the compiler can’t read your intent and has to assume that you want any message that matches.

Figuring out whether the above optimization has kicked in is rather annoying at the moment. It requires inspecting BEAM assembly and even then you’re not guaranteed that it will work due to some annoying limitations:

  1. We only support one message position at a time: a function that creates a reference, calls another function that uses this optimization, and then returns to receive with the first reference, will end up searching through the entire message queue.
  2. It only works within a single function clause: both reference creation and receive need to be next to each other and you can’t have multiple functions calling a common receive helper.

We’ve addressed these shortcomings in the upcoming OTP 24 release, and have added a compiler option to help you spot where it’s applied:

$ erlc +recv_opt_info example.erl



t(Pid, Request) ->
    %% example.erl:5: OPTIMIZED: reference used to mark a 
    %%                           message queue position
    Mref = monitor(process, Pid),
    Pid ! {self(), Mref, Request},
    %% example.erl:7: INFO: passing reference created by
    %%                      monitor/2 at example.erl:5

await_result(Mref) ->
    %% example.erl:10: OPTIMIZED: all clauses match reference
    %%                            in function parameter 1
        {Mref, Response} ->
            erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
            {ok, Response};
        {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}